33 items on page from 586 in category
Light purple cushion cut spinel 1.12 ct, Burma photo
Item is sold
Pinkish gray cushion cut spinel 1.16 ct photo
Item is sold
Pair of purple-pink cushion cut spinels 3.80 ct, Burma photo
Item is sold
Pair of greyish purple cushion cut spinels 3.90 ct, Burma photo
Item is sold
Intense purple cushion cut spinel 7.40 ct photo
Item is sold
Neon pink spinel Mahenge 5.60 ct photo
Item is sold
Neon pink spinel Mahenge 2.10 ct photo
Item is sold
Unique neon pink spinel Mahenge cushion cut 5.00 ct, Tanzania photo
Item is sold
Pair of large cushion cut pink spinels 12.61 ct, Tajikistan, GIA photo
Item is sold
Pair of purple-grey cushion cut spinels 10.43 ct, Burma, GRS photo
Item is sold
Cushion cut pink spinel 4.78 ct, Tajikistan, Lotus photo
Item is sold
Cushion cut lavender gray spinel 2.38 ct, Sri Lanka photo
Item is sold
Intense pink spinel 2.41 ct, Vietnam photo
Item is sold
Cushion cut red spinel 3.37 ct Burma photo
Item is sold
Burmese red spinel, cushion cut 3.26 ct photo
Item is sold
Cushion cut pink spinel 1.72 ct, Burma photo
Item is sold
Pair of bright red spinels 2.06 ct, GFCO photo
Item is sold
Pair of gray spinels 5.58 ct Burma photo
Item is sold
Red pair spinel Mahenge 35+ ct. Gübelin: Tanzania photo
Item is sold
Blue spinel from Burma, 2.48 ct photo
Item is sold
Pair of cushion cut spinels 3,18 ct, Tanzania photo
Item is sold
Pair of spinels from Mahenge mine 2.32 ct, Tanzania photo
Item is sold
Pair of Burmese spinels 2.98 ct photo
Item is sold
Pair of red spinels 2.17 ct, Burma photo
Item is sold
Pair of pink and blue spinels 5.45 ct photo
Item is sold
Pair of spinels from Burma and Sri Lanka 4.48 ct photo
Item is sold
Red spinel set 8.61 ct photo
Item is sold
Cushion cut pink spinel 1.25 ct, Mahenge photo
Item is sold
Mauve Burmese spinel 6.60 ct photo
Item is sold
Burmese red spinel 4.10 ct, GFCO, MGL photo
Item is sold
Burmese red spinel 3.24 ct photo
Item is sold
Burmese red spinel 2.63 ct, GFCO photo
Item is sold
Pink spinel from Burma 5.45 ct photo
Item is sold
Weight, ct
Price, $
Trade color
Basic color